Type Alias CryptoEventHandlerMap
CryptoEventHandlerMap: { "crossSigning.keysChanged": (data: EmptyObject) => void; "crypto.devicesUpdated": (users: string[], initialFetch: boolean) => void; "crypto.keyBackupDecryptionKeyCached": (version: string) => void; "crypto.legacyCryptoStoreMigrationProgress": ( progress: number, total: number, ) => void; "crypto.verificationRequestReceived": ( request: VerificationRequest, ) => void; "crypto.willUpdateDevices": ( users: string[], initialFetch: boolean, ) => void; "dehydration.DehydratedDeviceCreated": () => void; "dehydration.DehydratedDeviceRotationError": (msg: string) => void; "dehydration.DehydratedDeviceUploaded": () => void; "dehydration.DehydrationKeyCached": () => void; "dehydration.RehydrationCompleted": () => void; "dehydration.RehydrationError": (msg: string) => void; "dehydration.RehydrationProgress": ( roomKeyCount: number, toDeviceCount: number, ) => void; "dehydration.RehydrationStarted": () => void; userTrustStatusChanged: ( userId: string, userTrustLevel: UserVerificationStatus, ) => void;} & RustBackupCryptoEventMap
A map of the CryptoEvent fired by the CryptoApi and their payloads.